
Author: admin

Applying Corrective AI to Daily Seasonal Forex Trading

By Sergei Belov 1, Ernest Chan1, Nahid Jetha2, and Akshay Nautiyal1 ABSTRACT We applied Corrective AI (Chan,...

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Conditional Portfolio Optimization: Using machine learning to adapt capital allocations to...

By Ernest Chan, Ph.D., Haoyu Fan, Ph.D., Sudarshan Sawal, and Quentin Viville, Ph.D. Previously on this blog,...

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The demise of Zillow Offers: Its not AI’s fault!

The story is now familiar: Zillow Group built a home price prediction system based on AI in...

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What is Corrective AI?

Ernest Chan, founder, Inc. When it comes to machine learning, the holy grail is Artificial General...

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800+ New Crypto Features

By Quentin Viville, Sudarshan Sawal, and Ernest Chan is excited to announce that we’re expanding our...

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New Additions to the Factor Zoo

By Akshay Nautiyal and Ernest Chan This has been a summer of feature engineering for First,...

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Metalabeling and the duality between cross-sectional and time-series factors

Features are inputs to supervised machine learning (ML) models. In traditional finance, they are typically called “factors”,...

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Introducing: Pre-engineered Stock Fundamental Features at is pleased to announce the launch of our new pre-engineered stock fundamental features. These features are...

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Predicting Profitability: Introducing PredictNow.Ai a Live Machine Learning Tool to Alpaca

What is PredictNow.Ai? is a no-code machine learning SaaS-based in Toronto, Canada that is primarily focused...

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Conditional Parameter Optimization: Adapting Parameters to Changing Market Regimes

By: Ernest Chan, Sergei Belov, and Radu Ciobanu Every trader knows that there are market regimes that...

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