
Author: admin

The Amazing Efficacy of Cluster-based Feature Selection

One major impediment to widespread adoption of machine learning (ML) in investment management is their black-box nature:...

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What is the Probability of Profit of your Next Trade? (Introducing...

What is the probability of profit of your next trade? You would think every trader can answer...

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Why Does our Tail Reaper Program Work in Times of Market...

I generally don’t like to write about our investment programs here, since the good folks at the National Futures...

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US Nonfarm Employment Prediction Using RIWI Corp. Alternative Data

Introduction The monthly US nonfarm payroll (NFP) announcement by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)...

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Experiments with GANs for Simulating Returns (Guest post)

By Akshay Nautiyal, Quantinsti Simulating returns using either the traditional closed-form equations or probabilistic models like Monte Carlo...

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Is News Sentiment Still Adding Alpha?

By Ernest Chan and Roger Hunter   Nowadays it is nearly impossible to step into a quant trading...

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The most overlooked aspect of algorithmic trading

Many algorithmic traders justifiably worship the legends of our industry, people like Jim Simons, David Shaw, or Peter...

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Loss aversion is not a behavioral bias

In his famous book “Thinking, Fast and Slow“, the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman described one common example...

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FX Order Flow as a Predictor

Order flow is signed trade size, and it has long been known to be predictive of future...

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A novel capital booster: Sports Arbitrage

By Stephen Hope   As traders, we of course need money to make money, but not everyone...

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